# Installation and Configuration ## Preconditions Python 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 is required. Recommendation: Before installing the package, create a virtual environment and activate it. ## Installation The package is hosted at the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed using `pip install edutap.wallet_google`. ## Configuration In order to create new Wallet Classes and Wallet Objects you need to have a Google Developer account and a Google Wallet API project. To authenticate with the Google API, you need to provide a credentials file and an issuer ID. To get the file and the issuer ID, follow the Steps 1 to 4 at [Google Developer instructions for Wallet API access](https://developers.google.com/wallet/generic/web/prerequisites). In the process you will download a JSON file with the credentials. It is expected in the filesystem, readable by the program. Point the environment variable `EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE` to its location. Example: ```bash export EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/home/example/google_credential_file.json ``` In the process you will get an Issuer ID. It is displayed in the Google Pay and Wallet Console right beside the heading *Google Wallet API* as *Issuer ID* (the term might be translated to your according to your language settings). Copy the value and point the environment variable `EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_ISSUER_ID` to it. Example: ```bash export EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_ISSUER_ID=1234567890123456789 ```