Installation and Configuration#


Python 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 is required.

Recommendation: Before installing the package, create a virtual environment and activate it.


The package is hosted at the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed using pip install edutap.wallet_google.


In order to create new Wallet Classes and Wallet Objects you need to have a Google Developer account and a Google Wallet API project.

To authenticate with the Google API, you need to provide a credentials file and an issuer ID.

To get the file and the issuer ID, follow the Steps 1 to 4 at Google Developer instructions for Wallet API access.

In the process you will download a JSON file with the credentials. It is expected in the filesystem, readable by the program.

Point the environment variable EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE to its location.


export EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/home/example/google_credential_file.json

In the process you will get an Issuer ID. It is displayed in the Google Pay and Wallet Console right beside the heading Google Wallet API as Issuer ID (the term might be translated to your according to your language settings).

Copy the value and point the environment variable EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_ISSUER_ID to it. Example:

export EDUTAP_WALLET_GOOGLE_ISSUER_ID=1234567890123456789